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Image by Helena Lopes


Care Group


High Quality Supported Accommodation For 16-20 Year Olds

Providing You with Safe & Comfortable Environments.


Our experienced team deliver personalised support for each tenant, treating every person as an individual with their own background, experience and ambitions. Our accommodation provides a safe and comfortable environment, operating a robust on-call system with 24 hour key worker mentors available. Each young person has their own agreed support plan based on the hours of care they require.


We offer 6, 12 and 18 month programmes for young people. Focusing on social and emotional development, we provide them with the essential skills they need to prepare for living independently once they move on from supported accommodation.

Through supported living, we can support young people aged 16+ to maintain their own tenancies and to develop fulfilling lives in their local communities.

Support For Independence


     Our Services 


  • 24/7 Staffed Supported Housing


  • Individual & shared accommodation with floating support for young people who are deemed ready to “move on” from 24/7 properties.


  • Accept emergency referrals, alleviating the need to use unsuitable temporary accommodation.


  • Work with the young person’s social worker/personal adviser to develop a clear and relevant pathway plan.


  • We aim to increase young people’s skills, confidence and self-esteem by providing them with a positive network of support and links into their community


  • We aim for their independence to grow and our support to taper down, in preparation for a stable ‘move-on’ into adulthood. 


  • Promote the independence of the care leavers at all times and encourage them to care for themselves by offering a high level of emotional support and practical help in health and educational/employment issues, cooking, budgeting and household tasks.

Aims & Objectives 

Our Approach


  • We aim to be a flexible, adaptable and quality operator that offers good value for money


  • We expect our staff to be good role models. 


  • We understand the pressures on time and resources that Local Authorities can face in relation to adequately and safely support young people.


  • We help transform lives through our residential services by taking a holistic approach and having a focus on the core values of being non-judgemental, providing high standards of care and empathy.


  • We accept each person as a unique individual and work with them so they can feel safe, secure and inspired to lead fulfilling lives. We believe that in order to offer an outstanding service, the needs of the individual must lie at the heart of everything we do.


  • We Ensure that all staff receive ongoing training, support and guidance to enable them to support the care leavers to the best of their ability

Better Care Starts with You!
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